Terms and Conditions Initial Class 1 or 3 Medical
Birmingham Aeromedical Centre (BAeMC) is run by Aeromedical Consulting UK (AMCUK), and is a UK CAA and an EASA approved Aeromedical Centre (AeMC). AMCUK has been authorised to carry out aeromedical examinations and assessments on behalf of the UK CAA and EASA, with Austro Control GmbH as the EASA authorising Member State. These authorities set the regulatory requirements which AMCUK follows.
UK aeromedical regulatory requirements can be found here: https://www.caa.co.uk/aeromedical-examiners/medical-standards/
EASA aeromedical regulatory requirements can be found here: https://www.easa.europa.eu/acceptable-means-compliance-and-guidance-material-group/part-med-medical-requirements-aircrew
AMCUK has no authority to change, amend, adapt or otherwise alter these regulatory requirements, and may need to refer to the licensing authority for consideration of the issuance of a medical certificate where AMCUK’s authority is exceeded.
1. To book an appointment, the applicant is required to pay a deposit of 50% of the cost of the medical. The applicant agrees to pay the remainder of the full medical fee on the day of the medical, regardless of the outcome of the medical. A full VAT receipt will be provided on the day of the medical.
2. When the applicant books an appointment, AMCUK shall send an email to the applicant confirming the appointment details.
3. AMCUK only accepts a valid passport as proof of ID. Failure to provide a valid passport shall render the applicant ineligible for a medical and AMCUK shall invoice and charge the full fee of the medical.
Cancellations and Appointment Changes
4. The applicant can amend or cancel their appointment up to 14 days before their appointment without penalty by clicking on the Cancel / Change Appointment tab contained in their appointment confirmation email. The 50% deposit shall be refunded in full for cancellations up to 14 days before the appointment.
5. The applicant cannot amend or cancel their appointment with less than14 days to go before their appointment. The 50% deposit will not be refunded if the applicant requests a cancellation or an appointment change with less than 14 days to go before the appointment.
6. If the applicant does not attend their appointment and does not give any notice (‘no show’), AMCUK shall invoice for and charge the full fee of the medical.
7. In exceptional circumstances, AMCUK may cancel or change an applicant’s appointment., including at short-notice. The applicant shall always be informed first and every attempt shall be made to give sufficient notice. AMCUK shall not be liable for any expenses incurred by the applicant, direct or indirect, as a consequence of AMCUK cancelling or amending the applicant’s appointment. The applicant shall be entitled to a full refund of their 50% deposit if the cancellation or appointment change is not acceptable to them.
Issuing Medical Certificates
8. For applicants for a UK and EASA medical, AMCUK can issue a medical certificate on the same day if all regulatory requirements are met.
9. For applicants for a UK medical, the file and medical certificate (where issued) will be sent to the UK CAA. In exceptional circumstances, the CAA, upon review may disagree with AMCUK’s fit assessment and revoke the medical certificate, requesting a further medical evaluation. This evaluation shall be done solely at the applicant’s cost.
10. For applicants for a European Union (EASA) medical, the file and medical certificate (where issued) will be sent to the UK CAA. In exceptional circumstances, the EASA Authority, upon review may disagree with AMCUK’s fit assessment and revoke the medical certificate, requesting a further medical evaluation. This evaluation shall be done solely at the applicant’s cost.
Drug and Alcohol Testing
11. Applicants for a UK and European Union (EASA) medical certificate are required to have Drug and Alcohol testing. Alcohol testing will be by breathalyzer and drug testing will be by urine specimen. This is included in the overall fee for the medical.
Medical Casework and Fees
12. The fee for the medical, as stated in the fees section, is the fee the applicant pays when all regulatory requirements are met on the day of the medical examination, leading to the issue of a certificate on the same day. If the certificate cannot be issued on the day of the medical itself because regulatory requirements are not met, Medical Casework charges may apply.
13. Medical Casework refers, but is not limited, to referrals, review of reports following investigations or assessments etc. In line with other Aeromedical Centres, should Medical Casework become necessary, this will be charged separately. Medical Casework includes any work, administrative or otherwise, undertaken after the date of the medical examination, where a medical certificate is not issued on the day of the medical examination because UK CAA or EASA requirements are not met. Please visit the Fees section of our website.
14. Medical Casework charges shall NOT apply where all EASA requirements are met but a medical certificate is simply not issued because the file has to be sent to the European Member State for consideration of issuance as per para 10.
15. The fees quoted on the website for the review of reports and for referrals relate to one report or referral per specialty. This means, for example, two surgical reports written by the same consultant on different dates shall be invoiced as two separate report reviews. AMCUK, at its discretion, may group several reports of the same specialty as one.
16. The sequence of the aeromedical certification process means medical reports submitted can often only be reviewed after the medical examination element of the assessment. It may, therefore, be difficult to give an estimate at the time of the medical examination about Medical Casework charges until reports have been reviewed.
17. Where AMCUK determines that Medical Casework charges are likely to exceed £200, the applicant shall be advised in writing beforehand. If the applicant decides not to proceed with their application casework, they must inform AMCUK within 2 weeks of our notification of the fees likely exceeding £200 and will not be charged for any Medical Casework already undertaken. The fee paid for the Medical Examination will not be refunded. If the applicant does not inform AMCUK in writing within 2 weeks, they shall be liable to pay for any and all Medical Casework undertaken.
18. The applicant shall settle Medical Casework invoices before their complete file is submitted to the Civil Aviation Authority.
19. Where AMCUK invoices the applicant, including for Medical Casework, the card held on file may be debited by the amount invoiced, but AMCUK will always send the invoice first.
Referrals to Specialists Doctors, and Requests for Medical Reports and Records.
20. Where UK CAA or EASA requirements for certification are not met, AMCUK may request reports or records from the applicant’s doctor(s), and/or refer the applicant to an independent medical specialist. These specialists do not work for AMCUK and are completely independent doctors in their own right. As such they are likely to charge an additional fee for their services which the applicant shall be responsible for.
21. The applicant shall be responsible for any fees relating to ensuring their medical records and / or reports are received by AMCUK.
22. The applicant shall be responsible for ensuring their medical records and /or reports are submitted to AMCUK in accordance AMCUK’s policy for receiving medical reports and records found here: https://www.aeromedicalconsulting.co.uk/medical-records-reports.
23. AMCUK shall reject reports and records not submitted in accordance with its policy for receiving medical reports and records.
24. AMCUK, at its discretion, may invoice the applicant for any significant administrative tasks required to ensure the applicant’s medical reports and records are appropriately received. The applicant shall be given an estimate of costs before the work is undertaken.
General Advice
25. If applicable, applicants shall have satisfied themselves prior to booking and attending their medical that they are compliant with the UK CAA's conditions relating to State of Licence Issue (SOLI) found here: https://www.caa.co.uk/Commercial-industry/Pilot-licences/Applications/Change/Changing-the-state-of-licence-issue/ .
26. Contact lens wearers will be required to remove them during the eye examination. They should therefore bring a spare pair of lenses and, if necessary, their own contact lens solution.
27. The initial class 1 or 3 medical may last 3 - 4 hours or longer in some circumstances. AMCUK shall not be responsible for any losses, financial or otherwise, incurred by the applicant as a consequence of the time spent at BAeMC.
28. The applicant shall be 16 years or older on the day of the medical.
European Aero-Medical Repository (EAMR) Registration
29. Applicants for an EASA medical certificate consent that their information will be registered on the European Aero-Medical Repository (EAMR). The EAMR aims to facilitate the sharing of information regarding the medical certification of pilots (class 1 applicants) among Member States (medical assessors of the licensing authority, aeromedical examiners and aeromedical centres), while respecting patient confidentiality and ensuring protection of personal data.
30. The applicant agrees to these terms and conditions when they book an appointment, either directly online or when AMCUK books it on the applicant’s behalf.
31. AMCUK reserves the right the change these terms and conditions without notice and will communicate any changes without prejudice to the applicant.
32. This contact will be governed by and is construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.